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Considering a Naked Cake for Your Wedding? Read This Blog First

Now that wedding season is fast approaching, brides are reaching out to wedding cake bakers to book their wedding cake. Many couples are booking their weddings at barn style venues, which naturally the next step is to looking at rustic style cakes to match the theme. The first thing that comes to their minds when they think about a rustic wedding cake is a naked or semi naked style. There is so much controversy over this trend I thought it was worthy of a blog.


First let’s talk about what a naked cake is, and semi-naked. A true naked cake has only the cake and filling. There is no protection around the cake. A semi-naked cake has a very thin see through layer of icing called a crumb coat. This gives the cake at least some protection.


Where did this cake trend come from? In 2014, the well-known trend setting culinary chef Christina Tosi, owner and founder of the famous Milk Bar, started selling cakes with no outer covering. She wanted customers to see everything inside with the beautiful cake and the decadent fillings. A couple of years later Angela Jolie and Brad Pitt served a naked cake at their wedding and then Boom! Naked cakes were everywhere. They are known for their rustic and natural look.


There are many opinions on whether naked cakes should be presented at weddings. Bride’s Magazine came out with an article in 2016 stating it is the worst wedding cake trend in history. The trend makes cakes appear sloppy and unfinished.


Many couples choose a naked cake for their wedding for cost effectiveness. Yes, these style cakes are more cost effective because there is not much to them. You have cake and you have icing. They are typically decorated with a few flowers and greenery or fruit.


Here’s the thing. When making a wedding cake, they are taken in and out of the refrigerator for various reasons such as leveling, stacking, filling and tiering. They are typically kept cold until decorating and delivering. This is so the icing stays firm for travel. Without any protection on the cake, (i.e. buttercream, ganache, fondant) the cake dries out very quickly. The cake layers are exposed to air, this causing the cake to dry out. Yes, simple syrup is used to keep the layers moist, however you most likely have to cut away the outer portion of the cake all the way around because it became stale.


Another thing to think about is that fillings in the center of the cake can become soft in a heated room or outdoors in warm weather. Without any outside covering on the cake, there is nothing that will keep the fillings inside from sliding around. Cake coverings keep the cake stable. If you have a somewhat heavy cake topper on the cake, it may start sinking from the soft fillings inside.


While naked cakes may offer a more natural and rustic look, they come with their fair share of disadvantages. To avoid the possibility of a disaster, you may want to ditch the naked cake idea. You don’t have to give up on the rustic looking cake, though. Seasoned wedding cake bakers will work with you to design a wedding cake that speaks of you as a couple and the theme of the day. There are so many options out there for rustic designed cakes.

As a luxury wedding cake baker, I do not offer naked cakes nor semi-naked cakes. Being a professional, seasoned baker, I have seen the disasters of naked cakes and have tasted them. My take on them is the look appears unfinished and unprofessional.  If you are looking for a rustic styled cake, I can offer you a variety of designs that are stunning and stay within the theme. I love rustic themed weddings with the charm and lovely look to them. The possibilities are endless what I can create for you. Reach out to me for your design consult today at


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