I often hear "I don't like the taste of fondant"; "fondant is nasty"; "I just peel fondant off to get to the cake". I will wonder if they have never had GOOD fondant. There is a difference. Recently, I was scrolling through a fondant community group and saw a post from a baker upset that her bride complained about the fondant saying it tasted gross and had all kinds of wrinkles in it. She was asked what fondant she used and she stated a common commercial one that is sold in craft stores and discount stores. Without mentioning any brand names, this fondant is pretty much a beginner's fondant. I cringed when reading this. Never, ever, ever would I use a cheap fondant on a wedding cake. Our wedding couples deserve better than that.

Certain brands of fondant are not meant for covering cakes. Inexpensive commercial ones can be used to practice with or for making fondant decorations. They tend to have a chemical or plastic taste to them so no wonder her bride complained.
I feel that wedding cakes are special. They are more than just your dessert for your wedding. They have meaning, tradition, and create lasting memories. They are a reflection of the bride and groom as a couple. I love incorporating personality into the wedding cake. In doing so, many times fondant is the right finish for the cake to build upon texture and design. Many designs are not suited well for buttercream covered cakes.
In my wedding cake business I use Carma Massa Ticino fondant. It is a lovely vanilla tasting fondant that has a soft texture to it, almost like buttercream. It's great to work with as a cake decorator because of its soft texture and works beautifully in humid conditions. The soft texture allows me to roll out the fondant very thin so there is no need to peel it off if you just want to get to the cake.
Another glorious tasting one is Saracino Pasta Top, again, a high end fondant. As a wedding cake baker and designer, my preference is making cakes covered in fondant as opposed to buttercream. There are so many really amazing designs that you wouldn't be able to create in buttercream. A great fondant covered cake takes skill and an impressive artistic mind. Using a high quality fondant is important when making wedding cakes as this day is special for the bride, groom and their guests and you want to give a pleasant lasting memory. Here are a few other reasons to have a fondant finish on your wedding cake:
It gives the cake a smooth, polished finish.
It is not as susceptible to elements such as temperature and humidity.
Fondant will seal in the moisture of your cake better than buttercream, keeping the cake fresher.
Fondant is very versatile for textured designs, giving your cake a more artistic appeal.
Does not smudge or smear such as with buttercream cakes should you accidentally bump into it.
Takes on color better than buttercream. Due to the butter in the buttercream, the colors may not be as true.
On the note of color, dark colors will not transfer to your mouth like buttercream. Have you ever eaten a slice of cake with red, purple, blue or black buttercream and find your mouth and teeth are suddenly stained with that color?
Dark colors do not "bleed" like buttercream colors may have.

Can you tell I love working with fondant cakes? I have worked with fondant for over ten years, learning many new techniques and designs along the way; bringing top notch artistic wedding cakes to you, the wedding couple. No matter what you have heard in the past about fondant, or your past experience with it, know that the right cake artist can make a fondant covered cake a beautiful and tasty addition to your wedding day.
I hope this blog has helped get fondant off the "bad" list with you and willing to give it a try again. It can be a delicious covering for a cake. Ready to book your wedding cake design consult? Schedule your tasting/design consult today by clicking on the "Wedding Cake Inquiry Form" button below.
Have a great day,